6 Types of Information to Include in Press Releases for Brand Recognition

When used correctly, press releases give businesses the power to share valuable information with current and potential customers while increasing brand recognition. These releases are often considered a point of connection, allowing brands to reach their audience more directly with the right message.

Although press releases can include any information that a brand wants to share, there are certain types of information that are commonly discussed in press release examples. We are going to explore some of the more common options and what makes them such a great opportunity.

Choosing the Right Information for a Press Release

Press releases are commonly used by major brands, but small and midsize brands have started to realize the reach that comes with sharing conveniently packaged information through press channels too. While larger companies might have an entire press department, smaller businesses often end up managing their press needs themselves.

Choosing the right information to share with a press release can really influence just how effective a press release is, so how can you decide what to share?

There are several common types of information that press release templates focus on. Realistically, there is a driving force behind all of them that you will want to consider. Press releases should include verified, accurate content that offers value. The best press releases are going to help the public to see your brand through a positive filter.

Press releases offered by large companies can offer huge announcements, so you might find yourself wondering what is really worth sharing for your business. Small and midsize companies may even feel intimidated and wonder if their updates are worth a press release at all. In most cases, they absolutely are. You can use press releases to celebrate each new victory, keeping your name in the public conversation.

Types of Information to Share in Press Releases

When you are choosing which information you should share, you will likely want to focus on information that will be exciting and help to demonstrate your company’s growth. Let’s explore some of the more common options that brands use to create powerful press releases that deliver maximum impact.


Growing companies are known to have their fair share of updates, and this is often a great place to start for press release content. You will want to prioritize newsworthy updates that offer value, but any update can be a selling point with the right press release writing. Examples of such updates include key hires, new strategy(ies), achieving milestones based on previous goals, etc.

When something changes within your company, you will want to address it in a press release. Some companies even maximize releases by including multiple related updates for each release. If you do this over time, the general public will have a clear online record of your company’s progress. Your target market will see your name in news articles and Google searches.

Launches of Products and/or Services

Roughly 30,000 new food products are launched each year – and that is just products in one industry. In the old days, small and midsize businesses didn’t launch new products and services often. With the availability of digital resources, vertical integration, globalized economies, and freelance talent, more businesses are scaling during their first year and that includes introducing new products and services.

Maybe your company is introducing a new feature for an existing product or you want to promote a limited-edition release. No matter what you are introducing, a press release is a great way to get attention from the general public. Pairing press releases with product launches is always a good move and can assist with revenue goals.

Major Business Changes

As businesses grow and adapt to changing markets, business changes happen along the way. The major business change can be a new joint venture, new research and development, a new location, a new geographic area that the business is expanding in, etc. Any major change in the business can be announced using a press release, especially if it addresses a customer concern, enhances the business’ commercial value, or makes for an improved customer experience.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions can be among the most effective and efficient methods of business growth and they certainly are newsworthy. In fact, 57% of businesses use partnerships to find new customers and boost revenue. They help brands to connect with other companies that also offer exceptional service. In many cases customers, stakeholders, and shareholders benefit from mergers and acquisitions.

When you proudly announce a merger or acquisition, you gain multiple benefits. First, everyone can see that your company is growing and working to make changes that support your business. This is a great sign for shareholders and potential investors. However, announcing these arrangements also helps you to boost the company’s visibility in the marketplace.

When using this kind of information for a press release, be sure to focus on the benefits that come with the new changes. Change can be scary and the press release should focus on the bright future resulting from the merger or acquisition.

New Campaigns

Marketing campaigns are dedicated strategies that focus on maximizing attention from a target audience, and press releases can play a major role in such campaigns. Before you launch your new campaign, it is a good idea to plan a series of press releases to concurrently support the campaign(s). This will help to ensure that the right information is present when potential customers search your brand after seeing your new campaign. When combined with press releases, marketing efforts benefit from the additional visitors that are interested in the news announced via press release.

Donations and Community Outreach

By now, most people have realized that their purchases matter when it comes to the state of the world. Shoppers have shared that they are four times more likely to trust a brand with good purpose and values. Given this, brands should be using press releases to highlight their values and share the work they do to support them. Companies should highlight any benefit they offer the community, whether it is through donations or by having volunteer days for staff.

The new B Corp structure is a bellwether for a trend in companies that are driven both by mission and profit while being socially and environmentally aware. Such companies are attracting talent from schools and universities. B Corps can use press releases to effectively keep the public informed of their mission in an affordable and efficient manner.



Share Your Information

Using press releases to create a brand image can help companies of all sizes properly position their brands in the market. These releases are short and sweet, but they should always offer valuable insights into the making of the brand and how it is changing to accommodate more customers.

If you are ready to invest in effective press releases that put your company in the right light and you don’t have public relations professionals on staff, consider a public relations (PR) partner. At Brander, we provide expertly written press releases and distribute them to a network of over 4,000 members while guaranteeing publishing on over 100 sites. Brander publishes to major news affiliates like ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, Associated Press, and many more. Let us help you share your message today.

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