The length of a press release is very important when it comes to maintaining audience attention and meeting industry standards.
Your reader’s time is valuable, and you do not want to waste it. If the reader feels like the material that you are sharing is long and rambling, they are unlikely to read it. Realistically, you are only going to get a couple of minutes to convince them to take some kind of action or establish your credibility in their minds. For this reason, the content should always be short and sweet.
From an industry perspective, it is important to know that news networks and affiliates do not want to share long content either. They know that readers won’t enjoy it, so many of them won’t even publish content over a certain length.
The safest range for press release writing is 350 to 500 words.
Writing an Effective Press Release
Now that you know how to format your press release and create your press release template, we can take a look at how to actually write one. The technical specifications are essential, but good writing will make all the difference in your press release’s ability to win over readers.
When asked, most brand departments said that companies can increase PR value by getting more coverage and establishing media relationships. Even if you do everything else right, if the writing is not up to the right standards and being shared in the right places, it will hold you back. Focusing on these key considerations can help you to craft compelling content.
Select the Right Headline
Your headline is your chance to catch the attention of your audience and convince them to learn more. A good headline should be engaging, interesting, and concise.
Headline Press Release Examples Include:
- [Company] Announces Plans to Achieve Carbon Neutral Status by 2028
- Green Living Made More Achievable by [Company]’s Newest Home Feature
- [Company] Reaches 60,000 Subscribers in Final Quarter of 2023
Share Compelling Information
When asked, 83% of marketers say that the quality of content is more important than quantity. The information that you share in a press release should always be worthy of the attention that readers give it. Focusing on key highlights and dressing up exciting milestones can help companies to keep readers interested and compel them to learn more.
Information Press Release Examples Include:
- Major Milestones (Sales, Revenue Increases, Demonstrated Growth)
- Announcements (Products, Services, and Programs)
- Business Changes (Partnerships, Acquisitions, and Notable Hires)
Choose Powerful Quotes
Quotes add a human touch to press releases, allowing customers to hear directly from relevant leaders in the company. A well-placed quote is ideal for generating buy-in and increasing the credibility of the people at work behind the brand.
Quote Press Release Examples Include:
- “Business growth comes down to customer happiness,” says CEO [Name].
- “Our performance in the third quarter leaves us on track to meet key milestones in the next quarter,” says the Head of Operations, [Name]
- “When it comes down to it,” says HR Manager, [Name], “our employee comfort and happiness is essential, which is why we are prioritizing this initiative.”
Do Not Address the Reader Directly
A press release might come from your company, but it should not sound like it was written by your company. Press releases are an opportunity to share relevant information, not a chance to talk directly to your audience. The content should be written from a third-party perspective and talk about your company.
Use News-Appropriate Language
All major news networks and affiliates have a standard of writing that they expect in all press releases. When these standards are not met, your brand may come off as unprofessional, and several publications will pass on your release.
Press Release Writing Should Be:
- Professional
- Appropriate
- Neutral
- Concise
Skip the Sales Pitch
Companies often use press releases as a way to generate interest among customers and investors, but they should never be crafted like a sales pitch. Neutral writing is essential for press releases. The content should share positive information and include compelling updates. However, it should never feel like a thinly-veiled sales pitch.
Don’t Spam the Reader with Links
Links are great for sharing sources with relevant information and for increasing traffic to your website. However, too many links will always read like spam. Your content should be original, and it should not seek to just create a bunch of backlinks to your website. We recommend never using more than three links in each press release.
Go Easy on Images
Articles with images produce 650% more engagement than those without them. Images can tell a story, and they are often a wonderful addition to a press release if they are relevant. However, the short length of press releases means that images can be a bit much when taking the content in. We recommend that you never use more than three images at a time. Each image should be chosen with care and should be demonstrating something specific to the press release.
Share Your Information the Right Way
Press release writing can transform the way that the public views your company, but it must be done correctly. Making sure that your content adheres to the highest quality standards and gets to the right audience is what we do best at Brander. We offer press release writing and press release distribution to companies in every major industry, giving you access to millions of readers. To learn more, explore our packages and testimonials today.